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3 min read
Day of Ascension
Today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord! For forty days following His resurrection, Jesus continued to be present in the lives of...

2 min read
Wren - Worship Leader
Wren’s musical training began in her hometown of St Petersburg, FL. Not only did she learn to play the flute in junior high and high...

1 min read
Pastor Joel
Joel is passionate about seeing people come to faith in Jesus Christ and growing in relationship with the Triune God: Father, Son & Holy...

5 min read
Statement Of Faith
We consider the following to be essential beliefs: GOD God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. God is personal and active in all...

3 min read
In the Midst of Disruption
Friends, For the vast majority of us, these are unprecedented times. There are few who have lived through the Great Depression and World...

3 min read
What's Next?
Dear Friends, As we continue in this joyous season of Eastertide, I want us to reflect and explore the question, What’s next? Easter is...
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